Cognitive hypnotherapy can help with a range of issues. Read on to discover how it can help cultivate more positive thoughts, feelings and behaviours.

Banish overwhelm

Anxiety is a normal and healthy emotion, but if it consumes your daily life it can be a block to living a full life. Cognitive hypnotherapy can help bring relief, and provide the tools to manage life’s daily stresses.

Embrace your body

If you don’t like what you see when you look in the mirror, it can have a profound effect on your outlook on life. Cognitive hypnotherapy can help guide you towards acceptance, and to nurture your body with the care it deserves.


Are your struggles with intimacy causing you to avoid sex - or even dating, and relationships? Cognitive hypnotherapy can help you to uncover the intention behind your behaviour, identify and challenge core beliefs and take back agency of your mind and body.

Tame your inner critic

Imposter syndrome can leave you questioning your abilities, self-loathing and feeling not good enough. Cognitive hypnotherapy can help with releasing limitings beliefs, practicing self-love and amplifying your confidence.

Stress less fertility

Recent studies have found links between women’s stress levels, and the chances of conception. Cognitive hypnotherapy can help with releasing stress in the body, and emotional blockages caused by unexplained infertility and baby loss.

Hack your creativity

If you’re experiencing a creative block, feeling drained and stressed then creative burnout may be the cause. Cognitive hypnotherapy can remove blockages, allowing the mind to relax and for creativity to flow.

Find your voice

According to several studies public speaking is the number one fear for adults. Cognitive hypnotherapy can help to identify the root cause of your social anxiety; and give you the confidence to express yourself plus the tools to stay calm when you share your POV.

s**t done

Is lack of motivation leaving you feeling stuck? Or perhaps you self-sabotage your own success. Cognitive hypnotherapy can help. It can change your mindset, and leave you feeling more energised, and empowered to reach your goals.

Control your inner Hulk

Do you find it challenging to keep your anger in check? Cognitive hypnotherapy can help you understand the triggers that lead you to see red, and help you connect with your emotional control room to manage your response.

Treatment options

Treatment commences with an initial consultation, comprising an in-depth history-take, so a bespoke treatment plan can be developed and delivered with a follow-up treatment.

Choose to see me in-person at triyoga Ealing, or online via Google Meet.

Initial consultation
(70 minutes)


All new clients must undergo an initial consultation. We’ll spend the initial session exploring what you would like to help with, and what changes you would like to make. This is an essential part of therapy, where information is gathered about what you’re experiencing to uncover the potential cause of your issue, so a treatment plan can be developed and tailored to your specific problem.

Follow-up treatment
(60 minutes)


For clients who have undergone an initial consultation, your treatment will comprise a uniquely personalised blend of techniques. To support changes experienced within the therapy room, a custom hypnotic audio recording tailored to your specific needs, will also be recorded after the second session for you to listen to in between sessions.

treatment packages
(3 x 60 minutes)


Packages are for clients who have undergone an initial consultation and received their first treatment. Normally they have also discussed with me whether they could benefit from longer term and/or ongoing support because they are experiencing resistance with their issue, or have complex emotional and behavioural challenges and would like to benefit from a block booking discount.

Packages are also suitable add-on for those who would like to see me for coaching, to help support them achieve a specific goal or outcome.

Discovery call
(1 x 30 minutes)


You wouldn't buy a pair of shoes before checking it fits first, so before we work together I suggest we have a conversation. The call is for you as much as it is for me, as we need to feel 100% certain we can work successfully together to achieve what you came to see me for.

(From 150 minutes)

From £300

Comprehensive antenatal course designed to teach mother’s how to birth their babies comfortably and calmly.

Choose to take a course in a group setting, or privately at triyoga or in your own home.

Book your *FREE* 30 minute discovery call

You wouldn't buy a pair of shoes before checking it fits first, so before we work together I suggest we have a conversation. The call is for you as much as it is for me, as we need to feel 100% certain we can work successfully together to achieve what you came to see me for.